Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us Launch

Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us Launch Dear Brothers, Sisters and friends, On March 8, CUPE, SEIU, and Unifor health and long-term care workers launched their campaign to demand respect, protection, and adequate compensation for all health care workers: Respect Us, Protect Us, Pay Us.  Following the overstress of health care resources and [...]

2021-03-08T11:25:44-05:00Monday, March 8th, 2021|Member News, Public News, RPN News|

Racial Justice Committee Film Screening: Sòl

Racial Justice Committee Film Screening: Sòl Join the CUPE Ontario Racial Justice Committee at 6pm next Wednesday, March 3, for a special screening of Sòl: a short film that examines the experiences of Black, racialized, and immigrant women as healthcare providers before, during, and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The screening will take place on Zoom and [...]

2021-02-26T09:46:14-05:00Friday, February 26th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Working from home? This Tax Credit Could Apply to You!

Working from home? This tax credit could apply to you! The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in many Canadians having to work from home. CUPE members are working in their basements, kitchens, and bedrooms, and are having to pay for expenses related to their employment. Find out if you qualify for a new tax [...]

2021-02-24T16:22:53-05:00Wednesday, February 24th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Paid Sick Days Save Lives – Let your MPP know!

On January 12, 2021, the Ontario government announced a second State of Emergency and instituted a stay-at-home policy. A growing chorus of advocates, experts, and workers responded by pointing out a glaring omission: the Ford Conservatives failed to institute paid sick days for all workers. With workplace transmissions making up a bulk of the [...]

2021-02-05T11:45:01-05:00Friday, February 5th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Dr. Moriarty: COVID-19 Vaccine Enquiries

Dr. Moriarty: COVID-19 Vaccine Enquiries Infectious disease expert Dr. Tara Moriarty invites CUPE members to participate in the following vaccine education initiatives: 1)      If you’re a Canadian who would like to ATTEND a nightly Zoom sessions about COVID-19 vaccine safety, please sign up here: VIEW FORM 2)      If you’d like to request a special session for your organization, [...]

2021-02-03T10:42:25-05:00Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021|Member News, Public News|
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