Front-line Hospital Workers Say They Feel Betrayed by the Province

Sonja Bernhard used to sit in her car and cry at the end of a shift at the Hamilton long-term care home where she had been deployed to help with the pandemic. Like other front-line health workers, the registered practical nurse found working during the pandemic physically and emotionally gruelling. She continues to deal with fallout from it.

2021-06-17T15:32:58-04:00Thursday, June 17th, 2021|Member News, Public News, RPN News|

Repeal Bill 124 – Download the Stickers Here

Thank you to all of the health care workers represented by SEIU and CUPE who will be wearing stickers today calling for the repeal of Bill 124. This legislation restricts bargaining on wages to 1% a year in each of 3 years, at a time when inflation is surging. In April inflation was 3.4% year over year. The legislation also prevents us from bargaining access to psychological counselling and paid sick leave for those who don't have it. We will be ramping up this campaign over the summer.

2021-06-15T09:18:42-04:00Monday, June 14th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Stop the Real Wage Cuts

Please help us with the upcoming sticker day. 60,000 hospital workers represented by CUPE and SEIU protest June 14, calling on the PC government to scrap its law limiting wage increases to 1% for each of the next 3 years. Inflation was 3.4% in April year over year.

2021-06-11T16:34:04-04:00Friday, June 11th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

June 10, 2021 News Bulletin

Canadian Medical Association Journal says all health facilities in Canada need to urgently update their PPE guidelines. “Although good ventilation can mitigate long-range aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the WHO and CDC’s acknowledgement of airborne spread at close range highlights an urgent need to revisit PPE guidelines in all Canadian health care settings.

2021-06-10T11:35:55-04:00Thursday, June 10th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Repeal Bill 124!

60,000 hospital workers represented by CUPE and SEIU protest June 14, calling on the PC government to scrap its law limiting wage increases to 1% for each of the next 3 years. Inflation was 3.4% in April year over year. Ontario’s ‘health care heroes’ can’t afford to accept large cuts to their real wages and believe that they should be able to bargain wage increases at least equal to inflation.

2021-06-09T10:12:49-04:00Wednesday, June 9th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Let’s Celebrate Love!

The Social Committee will be putting a video together to celebrate our Pink Triangle pride month! We are looking for members that would like to participate in our TikTok song.  We would need you to contact us by Friday, June 11th if you are interested in participating. When you contact us, we will specify what is needed for our video.

2021-06-08T15:17:01-04:00Tuesday, June 8th, 2021|Member News|

June 2021 Newsletter

Quebec bargains 2% increases for health care workers. Ontario limits our increases to 1%. Day of action June 14 Inflation was 2.2%from March 2020-2021and the Ontario government has limited our wage increases to 1%for the first 3 years of our contracts. But the Quebec government just signed deals that give its health care workers 2% increases in each year of the contract and 1% lump sum payments in the first and third years.

2021-06-07T16:06:48-04:00Monday, June 7th, 2021|Member News, Public News|
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