A Message from the OCHU President

Dear Minister Elliott, I write as President of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/Canadian Union of Public Employees (“OCHU/CUPE”), which represents 40,000 hospital and long-term care home workers across Ontario, including RPNs, clerical staff, porters and cleaners. These are some of the most underpaid and vulnerable workers on the front line battling against the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021-02-04T12:00:40-05:00Friday, January 22nd, 2021|Member News|

Ford’s Vaccine Rollout is Failing Seniors

Ford's vaccine rollout is deeply disturbing. Call your MPP. Write to your local paper. Share this report with your local and friends: Ontario seniors who live independently feel shut out by COVID-19 vaccine rollout Take care, stay safe (and send me your letters. I'll post them on our retirees page*!).

2021-01-27T09:37:15-05:00Thursday, January 21st, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Join CUPE Ontario’s AROAP Committee

The work of addressing and challenging anti-Indigenous and anti-Black racism in our communities is something we must also do in our own union. When CUPE Ontario’s Anti-Racism Organizational Action Plan (AROAP) was adopted by members at our Convention, the goal was to root out these forms of racism in CUPE Ontario by identifying the practices and policies that act as barriers to participation for racialized and indigenous members.

2021-01-19T10:14:01-05:00Tuesday, January 19th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

We Believe You: Sexual Violence in Union Spaces

Join us on Wednesday, January 20 at 6:00pm for the launch of the toolkit, We Believe You: Sexual Violence in Union Spaces. This toolkit follows a CUPE Ontario resolution passed at the 2016 Convention calling on CUPE Ontario to address sexual violence when it happens within our own union. The toolkit gives information about sexual violence, resources, and advice about handling disclosures.

2021-02-04T12:01:20-05:00Friday, January 15th, 2021|Member News, Public News|

Health Care Vaccines – Urgent Town Hall Call January 14th

Health Care Vaccines - Urgent Town Hall Call Brothers and Sisters, Join us for an urgent town hall call at 6pm on Thursday, January 14th to talk about the vaccine rollout in Ontario, legal issues around refusing to take the vaccine, as well as vaccine hesitancy. You will be updated about discussions with [...]

2021-02-04T12:01:46-05:00Monday, January 11th, 2021|Meetings, Member News|
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