URGENT: Media Events in 20 Towns + Local Planning Meetings

In response to major new plans by the Ford government to bring in for-profit hospitals, as well as their privatization of the next 30-years of long-term care, privatization of home care, privatization of COVID testing and vaccines, plans for "austerity" budgets following the election, and refusal to deal with the critical shortfalls in staffing and care, we are holding a set of very urgent, very important events in every community we can across Ontario. Please join.

2022-02-17T16:39:33-05:00Thursday, February 17th, 2022|Member News, Public News|

MEDIA RELEASE | “Premier, now is the time to stand clearly and unequivocally with health care workers and the sick against harassment, violence and racism”: CUPE

Concern is mounting among hospital staff – the great majority of whom are women and many of whom are racialized- working in Toronto’s downtown hospitals that their safety and that of people seeking hospital care is uncertain with truckers heading to protest this weekend.

2022-02-07T15:02:15-05:00Saturday, February 5th, 2022|Member News, Public News|

MEDIA RELEASE | Ontario Playing Lethal Game of Chance

The Ontario government is playing a lethal game of chance with a new pandemic guidance policy that lets hospitals and long-term care facilities order potentially sick or still infectious front-line staff with COVID-19 back to work, say two of Ontario’s largest unions who are trying to stop the practice and keep both workers and patients safe.

2022-01-28T15:24:22-05:00Wednesday, January 26th, 2022|Member News|
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