
MEDIA RELEASE | Ontario Opposition Leaders to Join Hospital Workers in Delivering Thousands of Messages to Doug Ford at Queen’s Park on Tuesday

Friday, February 18th, 2022|Categories: Member News, Public News|

While their pandemic efforts have been generously praised by Doug Ford’s Ontario government, front-line hospital workers are asking for Bill 124, the wage cap legislation that devalues them and is fueling an exodus of staff from health care, to be repealed.

URGENT: Media Events in 20 Towns + Local Planning Meetings

Thursday, February 17th, 2022|Categories: Member News, Public News|

In response to major new plans by the Ford government to bring in for-profit hospitals, as well as their privatization of the next 30-years of long-term care, privatization of home care, privatization of COVID testing and vaccines, plans for "austerity" budgets following the election, and refusal to deal with the critical shortfalls in staffing and care, we are holding a set of very urgent, very important events in every community we can across Ontario. Please join.

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