In the first edition of The Hospital Worker newsletter there was an article entitled ARE YOU GETTING YOUR UNIFORM ALLOWANCE?  Unfortunately, this article was printed containing errors of which classifications are entitled to this allowance and the corresponding monetary amount.

Please see below the current Collective Agreement language.

Effective March 1, 2022, and on that date for each subsequent calendar year, the Hospital will provide $159.96 per calendar year to each regular full-time and regular part-time employee, for the classifications listed below. Temporary and casual part-time employees are not eligible.


In the case of RPNs in Mental Health (except RPNs in Psychogeriatric Program at the Centre for Mountain Health Services who will receive the allowance) it is agreed that they shall not be issued uniforms nor wear uniforms in the workplace, but will receive the uniform allowance. It is understood that where an employee is supplied with the necessary uniforms, at the Hospital’s expense, s/he shall not be eligible for a uniform allowance.


Where a uniform has been provided for employees, the Hospital shall continue its present practice in relationship to provision, replacement, care and laundering of the clothing.


RPN – excluding (OR, Surgery Centre)


Supply/Patient Assistant – Urgent Care Only

ADS08 and ADS09 – Emergency Only


We apologize for the confusion this has created, if you have any questions regarding Uniform Allowance, please reach out to your Executive.